The T-Shirt Hurling Contest

The final contestant in the t-shirt hurling contest, Ron Smith, had his turn today. His entry was truly medieval: he built a Trebuchet. Two years ago, I built one of these for JavaOne (with much help from Dale Yoakum). I kinda learned how they worked as I built it. Ron clearly knew how they worked from the beginning: his had a very clean release that resulted in beautiful flawless flat arcs. Totally reliable. No wires, motors or computers.

Peter Moore and his mates from Cenqua in Australia came in second, and Oscar Guandique from El Salvadore came in third.

They all got silly certificates, a cheque and (surprise) a sun workstation (the winner got two). It was a huge amount of fun. All put in excellent efforts. There are some interesting lessons about the practice of engineering here.

Start thinking about your entry for next year!

June 30, 2005