So long, Alfred

A slice of Bay Area history passed away a few days ago: Alfred
Peet, the founder of
coffee. You can go to Starbucks for some mild-mannered coffee,
but if you need to get really cranked up, nothing beats Peet's.
Fortunately he taught a new generation of roasters, so my daily
pilgramage to Peet's can continue to keep me going. I usually go to
the Menlo Park shop, which is the second-oldest Peet's. There's
always a line out the door every morning.
A small piece of Peet's trivia: one of Jonathan's first acts as
CEO was to get a Peet's shop into Sun's two main campuses in the
Bay Area. Another: Peet's became nationally famous when folks
started to notice that Judge Lance Ito, during the OJ Simpson
trial, always had a mug of Peets in front of him - he got hooked on
Peets as a student in Berkeley.