Escaped from Reality
Despite being "blissfully unemployed", I've been remarkably busy.
Some of my time has been taken up by job hunting, some by a fun
geek project (more on that in a later post), but an awful lot has
been taken up talking to people about life at Oracle. They need a
place to vent, and I try to be a good listener. The exodus has been
a thundering stampede. Pretty soon, all Larry will have left is an
IP portfolio. Perhaps that's all he wanted: there's precious little
evidence that he was interested in any of the people. Early on
after quitting, I kept waking up in the middle of the night having
nightmares about composing screeching blog entries. They would have
been fun, but pointless. I decided that it was finally time to do
some real relaxing and spend some quality time with a beach and an
ocean - I figured I needed to do it before the poison that BP's
been dumping kills much more. I had a great time. Got back last
night. Feeling hugely better.