Greenfoot rocks!

It's summer and one of the items on my to-do list has been to teach my youngest daughter how to program. I was planning to spend some time in the evenings with her. But before I could get started, my wife handed her a copy of the greenfoot book and my daughter started reading. While I was off at work she downloaded and installed the IDE and started using the book the way it was intended: reading it cover-to-cover doing the exercises as they came along. I've helped her a couple of times when she got stuck, but mostly she's just plowed ahead on her own and is having a great time. The exercises are all very visual and engaging. Greenfoot makes it fun to learn programming. It starts out with very logo-ish exercises (moving a wombat around via method calls to find food), then automating the characters so that they can find their own food, and progressing to a variety of video games. The scenarios really absorb kids.
Thanks to everyone on the GreenFoot team!! You've made a difference in at least one young girl's life.
July 15, 2011 |