Steve Jobs Resigns as Apple CEO

Steve Jobs's resignation as the CEO of Apple is
over the press. So, Steve, just in case you ever read my blog:
Thanks. You've made a huge difference to me, the industry, and the
world. My house is filled with Apple gear because it is the best,
and it's the best because of you. You're a hard guy to work with,
but your uncompromising insistence on excellence has a huge upside.
You probably don't know this, but your daughter Eve went to the
same elementary school, in the same grade, as my youngest daughter.
Eve was a good kid to have over for birthday parties. You really
thrilled the third grade class when you showed up to give an iPhone
demo the day after it was announced. I'm not sure what impressed
the kids most: the gizmo, or your infectious enthusiasm. It's
unfortunate that you could never come to any of the father/child
campouts: you would have had fun. Happy Trails.